Become a Slay Your Goals® Coaching Community Member Today and Get The First 30 Days for just $37!

That's right...Just $37. This is a one-time offer and it is only available during your current checkout process. Don't miss out on this opportunity to access the online course and membership for $37 for a full 30 days!


Start Transforming Your Life & Creating Your Dreams, Today!

Linal Harris is a Global Entrepreneur and Certified Ontological Coach to executives, celebrity entrepreneurs & athletes and a proven goal-setting machine! Take advantage of this unbelievable value and opportunity today!

As a Slay Your Goals Coaching Community Member you'll have access to:

  • LIVE coaching with Linal Harris - Twice a month you will have the opportunity to receive coaching (coaching is first come first serve) directly from Linal Harris or witness a member being coached within the community.
  • The Slay Your Goals® Coaching Community Members - The members of this community are an engaged, committed group of like-minded human beings who are committed to their success and the success of the community. Being among this group in itself is incredibly inspiring and an awesome privilege.
  • The Slay Your Goals® Online Course - You receive access to our seven module online curriculum that teaches you the science of setting goals and achieving those goals. You can revisit this course for as long as your membership is in good standing. ($497 value)
  • LIVE Bi-Monthly Coaching and Training webinars, for coaching, goal-setting assistance,  accountability and Q&A. ($1000 monthly value)
  • The "Slay Your Goals: 5 Simple Tips For Achieving Your Life Goals' Audiobook' MP3 - ($17 value)
  • Exclusive Members Only Facebook Page, with Linal Harris - Interact with other members, share your goals and create intentional accountability 
  • Future discounts and insider membership perks - Members receive first access and VIP upgrades to events that Linal Harris hosts.

Here's what you will receive in your, FREE "Slay Your Goals" Pack:

  • The Slay Your Goals® Digital Workbook  - A workbook design to assist in the organization and achievement of your goals. ($97 value)
  • The Inspirational Perspective Radio Show Goal Compilation, MP3 - ($17 value) 
  • The End The Year Powerfully, To Start The New Year Free, PDF - NEW 5 Step Completion Framework - ($7 value)
  • Access to the library of coaching and training webinar recordings of previous bi-monthly coaching sessions
  • Plus much more... 


30 Day - No Questions - Money Back Guarantee - Risk FREE Purchase


So much value for ONLY $37.

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Become a Slay Your Goals® Community Member & Get The Slay Your Goals Pack for Only $37

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Two Step

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